Kakure Wakare - A Variation on Yoko Wakare, Side Separation I'm sure this technique isn't unique to our Judo Club, but I haven't come across it published anywhere else yet...
Basically, it's a variant of Yoko Wakare with some elements of a drop-knee Ippon Seoi Nage thrown in.
Begin by turning half way in, taking an arm grip similar to Ippon Seoi Nage (keep a sleeve grip with your left hand, turn to the left 90 degrees and make contact with your opponent on the right side of your body, and hook under their right armpit with your right arm).
From this position, push into your opponent causing them to step backwards or to resist you by pushing forwards.
As soon as you feel their forward push, apply a lifting motion with both your arms, step/hop strongly to the left with both legs and drop suddenly, landing on your left side or even further rotated landing on your stomach. Your hips should be approximately at your opponent's right foot.
It is important that you get yourself horizontal and drop in one smooth motion. The 'Ippon Seoi Nage' style grip coupled with the sudden drop and rotation will cause them to roll over top of you and land strongly on their back.
An alternate grip is from a two-on-one sleve lappel grip: With your left hand, grip the lower part of the opponent's right sleeve, and with your left hand, grip their right lappel. Apply tension between your hands, making the gi's cloth stretch taught between them. Then apply the kuzushi and throw as described above.
Give Kakure Wakare, and Yoko Wakare for that matter, a try!
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