San Te Jime - Three Hand Choke This is Kakure Judo Club's signature move - You can see it on our club logo at the top-left corner of this website.
San Te Jime requires years of effort and study in the art of Qigong, and once mastered, with the correct breathing and mental concentration being applied, the practitioner can channel and project his Qi (Chi) energy into the form of a third hand with which to strangle his opponent into submission.
The choke starts as a normal Sode Guruma Jime, but is much amplified with the insertion of the 3rd hand (made of Qi energy) into the center of the choke, with its iron-hard knuckles pressing directly into the opponent's throat.
For questions or comments on Kakure Judo Club's San Te Jime, or to register a complaint, please contact Air Canada at 1-888-247-2262.
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