Chugaeri - Shoulder Roll Breakfall The idea of the shoulder roll is to use your forward momentum to turn yourself in a wheel, allowing your body to roll smoothly over the ground across your shoulder and back, minimizing any impact forces and keeping your head clear of the ground.
It is important to tuck your chin tightly into your chest as you roll, have the same lead arm and leg (i.e. if you enter the roll with your right leg forward, you must also have your right arm forward), roll as smoothly as possible exhaling as you meet the ground, and keep your back leg (left in this example) straight and have it come as vertically over you as possible (to avoid 'barrel rolling').
At the end of the roll, either come directly up to your feet (this has the minimum impact possible) or, if forced to stay on the ground due to your partner landing on you, spread the impact as much as possible by slapping the mat with a straight left arm and landing on your side with a straight left leg and slightly bent right leg. Ideally, the arm slap and impact on your side and legs should happen simultaneously.
When done properly, and finishing by coming right up to your feet, this is the gentlest of all the judo breakfalls on your body, and is probably the most elegant looking of them as well.
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